Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Reviews by Yi Gu

Assistant Professor, Department of Art, University of Toronto
Jeffrey W. Cody and Frances Terpak, eds.
Exh. cat. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2010. 220 pp.; 61 color ills.; 75 b/w ills. Cloth $45.00 (9781606060544)
Exhibition schedule: Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, February 8–May 1, 2011
Terry Bennett
History of Photography in China, vol. 1.. London: Bernard Quaritch, Ltd, 2009. 242 pp.; 150 ills. Cloth £50.00 (9780956301208)
Terry Bennett
History of Photography in China, vol. 2.. London: Bernard Quaritch, Ltd, 2010. 420 pp.; 400 ills. Cloth £70.00 (9780956301215)
November 10, 2011